My Mother’s Day

As I lay here looking at you while you sleep on my heart , I’m in awe of you! You have been my biggest challenge and my biggest accomplishment in the same breath. Your intermittent smiles and morning cuddles make everything in life so much more worth it. It makes whatever chaos outside of us in this very moment seem so small. You make me smile without even trying. You are literally my heart outside of my body – I never understood that until you came into my life. A complete familiar stranger to me…

I know nothing about you and EVERYTHING about you at the same time. You are ME! Carrying you inside my tummy was some of the best days I had. I promised myself to live in that moment and I did. Every kick. Every picture. Every moment meant so much to me. Every prayer. Every stretch mark. Every pain. Every scar is a reminder of the battle I fought and WON to get you here closer to me. And now meeting you outside my womb while my body heals is beyond amazing. I would do it all over again if it meant laying here in this very moment with you in my arms. it makes it all worth it!

Thank you my Reign for making me a mother … more importantly, YOUR MOMMY! This title is the greatest title I’ve ever had. Even with the credentials behind my name and Mrs in front of it, Mommy is the best one! You are changing me … I feel it. And even though I know I’m going to miss my old self, I’m ready to embrace this new me that you have helped to emerge. I think of you all the time. I want to give you the love you deserve, the protection you need. I want to be perfect for you although I know that is impossible. I just want to give you the world in hopes you’ll settle for my whole heart instead.

Thank you Reign ! I love you over the greatest REIGN-BOW and back. Happy Mother’s Day to us baby girl

We are Nurses

Becoming a Registered Nurse was one of the best decisions I ever made to date. This week I will be celebrating another Nurse’s Week and I can tell you first hand, it never gets old to me. I LOVE my profession. I pride myself in the career I have chosen. Not because I think we are better (by no means) BUT because the skills and great knowledge we all possess. It is a honor to love what I do because I know so many do not share that same love. Even on my worst days (and yes Lord, we have bad days) I can still wear my Nurse badge with honor and pride… that’s a lot to say!

We are a profession of true RESILIENCE! We get up every shift, ready to take on whatever comes our way. We are flexible. We are ever-growing. Healthcare continues to change and somehow we are always ahead and ready for the next skill or the next intervention. We continue to give of ourselves without giving a thought to it. We listen to your ailments. We advocate for you behind the scenes, even if that means getting slack from the doctors. We feel your pain. We put ourselves in the shoes of others. We leave our families on holidays just to take care of your family and most of the time, we do it without complaining! We work long hours until our feet hurt, but this is simply a norm to us. We sometimes get over looked as you “thank” others for saving you without knowing, it was the Nurse that first noticed the problem. We are over-protective of you without you even realizing it. We vow to protect you and do no harm. We see you at your worst and still carry on our duties. We celebrate with you when you defeat a disease. We joke with you just to get a smile. We brainstorm on ways to make you happy when life gives you lemons. We fight back tears as we see you cry. We lend our shoulder to all because we understand. We are always thinking what’s in the best interest of you even with handing you a simple pill. We put aside our own problems each day (and we have problems, believe me) to come in to help with yours. When the day has drained us, we still come home to handle the responsibilities of being a wife, a husband, a mother, a father, a friend … and although tired, we find it in us to give out more! We take on roles as administration, educators, bedside staff, practitioners, researchers to ensure patient safety, advocacy, and satisfaction is at the forefront. We are more than bedpans and medication passes … To all the Nurses, thank you for all you do! Thank you for your dedication, your resilience and your sacrifices! Happy Nurse’s Week!!

Nurse Reminder

About a month ago I was scrolling Facebook when I came across a post that had the words “Please Scan Your Meds” in capital letters. It was posted in a Nurse group I follow and frequently visit for news, advice or for just great comments from Nurses all over.

The story was about a young Nurse whose trip to an Emergency Room changed her life tremendously due to an medication error from another nurse (story on IG). Usually when I see long Facebook post, I bypass them however this post caught my eye so I began to read. I hung on to every word in amazement from the beginning to end. My eyes started to burn as a tear tried to force its way out mid way through. I remember my mouth falling wide open as I read each sentence again for understanding.”How could this happen” I thought under my breath. . I finished with the words “Oh my God…” I was shocked! The story stayed on my mind all day. How can I help this fellow Nurse? How do I help a person that do not even know I exist? What if that was me? Maybe it was because the unfortunate event happened to a Nurse of all people. Or maybe it’s because I just transferred into my long time goal of being a Emergency Department Nurse. Either way, the story hit me and I felt empowered to help. I wanted to, at the least, brighten the day of this Nurse that unexpectedly got dealt a bad hand. I wanted this woman to know, that she was in my thoughts and that her story motivated me to be more careful as a nurse.

I decided to reach out to this Nurse via Facebook. I introduced myself, thanked her for sharing her story and sincerely asked for her address. Bold move coming from a stranger I know but somehow she trusted me and gave her information. Over a span of 2.5 weeks I was able to make a small gift box to send to her. Thankfully she received it! The motive of this story is

1. As healthcare professionals, please remember the power and skills we have. We have the ability to not only save lives but wreck them as well with one mistake. Always be careful! Check what you are doing and understand each life matters.

2. If you have the ability to change a person’s day, go for it! Never waste an opportunity to do good!

3. Don’t be afraid to do what’s in your heart!

Please follow my IG @kindlykarmalized for this Nurses’ story as well as a short video of my gift to this lovely lady!

Keep Karmalized❤️


Fear. Fear is something that we all have faced at least once in our life. Whether it is fear of spiders or death or maybe just the fear of the unknown, we all have been there. Fear can make us stronger or tear us down. Fear can push us pass our own limit or make us retreat to our own comfort zone. Fear can be overwhelming to some while causing motivation in others. Fear is something that is not ‘one size fits all’. Everyone handles fear differently depending on various factors- knowledge, maturity, past circumstances, future planning, just to name a few. Fear may have you reluctant to apply to a certain job or program because of past rejection or failure. Fear can have you hesitant to leave a certain situation because of the unknown ahead of you. Fear can have you slow to make an important decision because the weight the outcome may carry.

As we move through this life, Fear is inevitable. It’s a natural response given to all of us to prepare for danger. We can not control what we fear BUT we can most definitely control how we handle it. Will it be fear that will hold you from that promotion OR will you turn it into pure energy so that you can go get that blessing? Don’t allow fear of anyone or anything dictate what you want and what you deserve! Fear has no place in a person when it’s time to grow. Don’t let fear stunt your growth and keep you in a state of contentment. Life isn’t meant to be feared BUT BE LIVED! Allowing fear to live is the same as not trusting yourself or your Higher Power. Trust yourself. You know YOU better than anyone else. Break up with fearing the unknown and allow yourself to experience what life has for you! Note to myself as well!!

Happy Tuesday! Now go get what you deserve! #NoFear #KeepKarmalized

View change

Yesterday as I was driving into work and one of my favorite songs came on. This was not just some song.., Oh no! THIS was a song that I felt was written just for me and the person I am. It was only right to blast it as loud as possible and sing every word like no one was listening. Hitting all the high notes just right and even adding some ad-libs. Thankfully, I was in the privacy of my own car because I can promise you I had pitch problems every where. The song I speak of is by a talented artist named Estelle entitled ‘ Conquerer’. When you get a chance, look it up and listen to the words if you have not already (web link below). It is a song of strength, confidence and determination that just rings “Aye girl, you got this” every time I hear it.I had all the hand motions, neck rolling, finger pointing animations you could possibly think of as the car next to me stared. I was ok with granting ONE audience member a pass to my noon car-performance. I got out the car feeling good. I felt I could conquer my day and whatever bumps I would experience. I felt empowered. I am not sure if the song alone brought on this attitude or if it was also the universe giving me what I sought after for the last five days. Whatever it was, I can truly say I felt filled.

That’s exactly what happens when you open yourself up mentally and spiritually to hear what your higher power (My God) has for you. It has been non-stop signs that confirm the direction I am being pushed to go. From new contacts to being surrounded with positive energy and affirmation all around. How is it when we truthfully seek and remain open to receive, IT comes from all directions? When we allow time to just STOP our minds, focus on what it is we want or need and allow the spirit to lead us, it’s amazing! I’ve always been told to be open but I could never understand just exactly what it meant. That is UNTIL I CHANGED my thinking , my state of mind, the direction I wanted my mind to go. You think positive-you get positive. You think open -you get answers. You think focus and …bam! There it goes! What we seek, is most likely in front of us. All we have to do is listen.

Honest moment- I have recently learned the art of truly being STILL! To stop trying to MAKE things happen. This is easier said than done when you’re an Alpha female with strong determination skills. You tend to tell GOD and everybody else how things are going down. I had to learn to sit down, shut up, open my mind and soul and BE IN THE MOMENT. At times we are so caught up in our own life, with our own mess that we self consciously dismiss whatever energy that is trying to reach us and lead us. We ignore what’s right in front of our face and continue along the same path we started -still confused as before! It’s not until we change our view and trust our higher power that we can see things a bit clearer than the previous day or moment. As I continue to learn and practice, I challenge you today to do the same. Open yourself up to possibilities. Don’t limit yourself! Change your view. You want happiness- think happiness. You need affirmation- think and be open for affirmation. It’s there!

Keep Karmalized ❤️

Don’t forget to subscribe!

IG: @kindlykarmalized


Return of Kindly Karmalized

THREE years and FOUR months… 3 years and 4 months… over three looong years…that is how long it has been since I wrote my last post. That was the last time I breathed life into my first baby- KINDLY KARMALIZED. That was the last time I allowed myself to freely write, to freely share my thoughts, to freely be inspired by the world !

I can remember the birth of this blog and how happy I was to finally have something I could publish and pour out my thoughts and visions. I finally had a legit platform to empty what was in my heart and heavy on my mind. I remember being so afraid of publicly publishing my first blog that I read over it three or four times just to make sure I was ready. I probably hit the refresh button every minute just to see if ONE person would care to read my words once I hit “publish”. I had no idea the influence I would have or even if I would make a difference.  I was ready to give this site, this vision, all I had. I had visions of helping the homeless, empowering women in shelters, raising money for those less fortunate, brightening up the day of a random person and just sprinkling kindness every where I walked…. and then I remember little by little, losing myself in a situation that unconsciously  started to take my inspiration, my desire, my joy,  my inner peace. Slowly my thoughts did not flow naturally. My words did not make sense to me. I stared at my computer screen feeling so uninspired. I did not want to write. I did not want to do anything remotely close to expressing how I felt. Maybe because I felt my kindness-happy blog would turn into a place of remorse and resentment. I did not want my place of peace to turn into a place of pain.  I just was not feeling “IT”. It is crazy how your attitude can change once you lose your ground and give attention to things that do not deserve it. We slowly forget things that are more important to us by replacing it with things that are irrelevant to our being.  I never thought that it would be over three years before I felt that fire in my heart to light again.

Fast forward to the present, the universe- my GOD- have allowed my opportunity to come full circle. My excitement about the new direction I am mentally taking in my life as well as the bigger vision I have for Kindly Karmalized gives me joy. I literally smile when I think of the small box I plan to step out of and the influence I want this movement to have. I am older, wiser and much more motivated to do good and to concentrate more on positive vibes and nurturing mind, body and soul. I am more confident in what I am trying to do and the journey I am taking. I want to hold my baby tight and give it more life than before. I want to grow it to its full potential and in return enjoy the journey. Maybe my trip through heartbreaks, distrust, learning to love myself again, and personal growth had to happen to bring me back to this point. I am not sure but I do know there’s something in me that is burning to lead me to my purpose. My mission is bigger than just being basic.  I pray to GOD that I am able to consistently and confidently go forth to bring my thoughts and acts forward. I pray he leads me down a positive path and allows me freedom to discover things others may not understand or do not have the capacity to tap into. I speak life into my dreams and my purpose.

This is Kindly Karmalized – revamped!


Its Back

I have struggled the last couple of weeks with being inspired enough to blog. I am not sure HOW many times I opened my application to write but ended up staring with a blank mind on a blank screen… Sounds crazy or maybe cliche to some but I am the type of person that goes with how i feel. I want my words to not be empty content but content from my heart. I want to be inspired to write how i feel and hopefully inspire others. This means alot to me! I apologize for my lack of communication but i do have a couple ideas i want to share in the near future so STAY TUNED!! Thanks to those that questioned my absence, I am back!!

The holidays are coming so if anyone has ideas of projects, please feel free to send them to me!!

Good company I keep … Let’s Flock!

“Birds of a feather, flocks together”… Who made this up?! I have no idea however I agree with this statement fully! Recently I’ve had conversations about the successes of my circle of friends from careers to marriages. I boasted about how proud I am of each and every one of them. As they continue growing in their careers and goals, I find myself doing the same. We all feed off each other so much that when one gets a promotion, it’s only a matter of time until I hear more good news from others. We push each other, we celebrate each other and we feed off each other. I can honestly say that although we may have disagreements (We aren’t perfect), God has surrounded me with a group of friends that do not accept mediocre as normal. We rather strive on than fail. We are independent, we are career oriented, we are all about happiness, we want strong families and we all want the best for each other. That is uncommon when it comes to a bunch of females (so I have heard…) however, this is the circle I have been fortunate to have. This is the company I decide to keep! We pray together and band together to help each other get to the next step. We don’t believe in the concept of “crabs in a barrel” We all much rather just flock” together! I am so blessed to have these individuals!

My advice to anyone is to surround yourself with positive-like minded people that want the same things you want. Whether it be a good marriage, a great career or positive lifestyle changes, you are the company you decide to keep! Think about the closest “5” people to you and their goals in life. Now think about your goals ?! Do you encourage each other? Are your goals the same? What benefit are you to the people in your life? When looking at your future, think of these questions and ask yourself. You want to be surrounded with positive vibes…remember misery loves company. Just because one person decides to stop, does not mean you have to remain complacent. Go for it!! What type of company do you keep??

Happy Monday!!

let GO and let LIVE

Letting go can be one of the hardest things to do whether it is a damaged friendship, lost relationship or brutal past. It is something about no longer dealing with a situation, that has came apart of your being for so long, that is so hard to let go. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to hold on tight to something, GOD has another plan for you and that situation. The art of “letting go” is nothing that can be simplified. It is such a weird thing when you know deep down in your soul that something is not for you but through hopes, dreams and suffering, you decide to hold on anyway. You decide that forgiveness is too big.

How many of you have tried to run from a past that continues to haunt you regardless of what happens. Is it because you have not let it go and fully accepted the fact that who you are and what you are has been molded by that past? Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the past is not meant to be forgotten but to be embraced and valued…
OR how many of us have stayed in a relationship for way too long knowing that from day one , we were doomed to have heartbreaks and pain. The suffering could have been totally unintentional on the other person’s behalf however, your paths, goals and dreams were on two different wavelengths from the start. However, We want what we want.

The art of letting go takes energy, forgiveness, strength and wisdom. You have to have the emotional energy to deal with and forgive something or someone that have wronged you. You need the wisdom to know when it is time to let go and the strength to stop holding on let go and move forward. Easier said than done, but not impossible! Trying to figure out what is holding you captive to the situation is the first step. Step two is making the decision if the situation or person is worth the struggle that may come and if there is a benefit in the end. {How does this benefit you? Will it make you happier? Will you gain or lose more? Does it alter your values? How will this affect your future? Will your life feel lighter or heavier? How bad is it need?}. The third step is the hardest… stepping out on faith and knowing you are doing the right thing for yourself and being confident in your decision. Looking back is expected but looking back does not mean going back. Memories are necessary, it paints a beautiful picture! Remember what molded you into YOU and turn it into a positive. Every thing that did not last or was not the most pleasant does not mean it did not yield a positive! Whether it includes an abusive relationship, failed love, betrayal by a friend or a mistake. Think about it… your positive could be a new found love that makes you appreciate the good in a person from your past. Or the ability to recognize signs of abuse before it happens or gets worse. It could be the gaining of a new loyal friend while losing a deceiving one. A bad situation can grow you into a teacher to lead others away from the same reckless path you visited. A abusive relationship could yield a beautiful child waiting to be taught about kindness and ready for protection. A bad situation is not always a failed one! Letting go is not always BAD!

With that being said: Learn to let GO and let LIVE!

Have a great week!!

You never know who is WATCHing …

After a busy and long couple of weeks of working, traveling and trying to get my life in some order, I have ample time to reach out to my followers! Well Hello World!! Oh how I have missed taking time to post and blog!

Recently I was given a compliment without even noticing anyone was watching. I usually get to work about 10-15 min early to ensure I have time to take the stairs down to the ground floor from the parking deck, walk through the main emergency room and catch the slow elevators up to my floor to clock in at 640pm. Before I take the stairs in the parking deck, I push the elevator button down for those that opt out of using the stairs as I do. The elevators from the parking deck are probably the slowest I have ever seen so I figure by pushing the button for others, I am essentially saving them time and energy. Time from waiting and energy used to run down the narrow stairwell. I have done this every single time I work especially if I see another person trailing far behind me.

Well- this week as I was dragging into work, tired as ever, a woman briefly stopped me and thanked me for always pushing the button before I run down the four flights of stairs. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised that anyone even noticed! Apparently, we both get to work around the same time and she noticed I pushed the button for the elevator a couple times. Seeing that almost every time she observes me ahead of her and having the elevators open right when she gets to them, she wanted to say “Thank you” for making her commute a little easier. She quickly explained how she is recovering from a minor ankle problem and unable to take the stairs each time she works. I could tell by her limp that taking the elevators were probably a better option for her and how I actually helped a person without even really trying! It was a simple thank you that put a smile on my face that evening!

This really goes to show that there is someone always looking/observing whether you notice it or not. By simply holding a door for a person or in my case, pushing a elevator button, you are giving another person a simple victory. Of course I have my days where I think to myself if anyone even cares for the small things I do however, this is a great reminder that although so minor, YOU can make a difference in a person’s day! Always TRY to be your best and put out positive actions/energy because you never know when you are silently being “Thanked”…

Enjoy the rest of your week loves!

Instagram: @Kindlykarmalized